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Jemima Abu

Hello, I'm Jemima Abu πŸ™‚

I’m a self-taught Front End Developer, Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP and Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies.
I build websites with a focus on responsiveness, accessibility and pleasing aesthetics.


I first started coding sometime in 2017 after taking a C# course in my 2nd year of university. The very first thing I built was a command-line GPA calculator (legacy code here for posterity) and from then, I was hooked.

I knew I enjoyed figuring out the logic behind creating applications but I was more interested in learning how to make it look pretty to users. That's how I started my career in front end development.

I’m constantly trying to learn new technologies and concepts and I try to share my knowledge by writing articles and speaking at conferences.

I enjoy building fun designs on Codepen and time-saving projects on Github. I also publish beginner-friendly articles on Hashnode, freeCodeCamp and Envato Tuts.

I’m very dedicated to diversity and inclusion in the tech space so I try to volunteer my time and support initiatives targeted towards minorities and provide direct mentorship to people who look like me.


Front End Developer β€” We Make Websites

MAY 2021 - PRESENT | London, England

  • Working with Shopify technologies to create e-commerce stores on various client projects.

Front End Developer β€” Telesoftas

FEB 2020 - DEC 2021 | Kaunas, Lithuania

  • Responsible for building the user interface and developing frontend architecture on various client projects using several technologies and methodologies.

Front End Developer β€” Sumosoft

MAY 2018 - MARCH 2019 | United Kingdom (Remote)

  • Developed web pages for shops on Savile Row using an internal content management system. Worked on the team that built the company website.

Front End Developer β€” Nature’s Own Wonder

FEB 2018 - MAY 2018 | Lagos, Nigeria

  • Responsible for creating wireframes, mockups and prototypes for products and seeing them to deployment.

Front End Developer, UI Designer β€” Omoelle

SEPT 2017 - FEB 2018 | Lagos, Nigeria

  • Designed and developed a new website layout for an existing e-commerce site.


Workshop Trainer β€” Women Go Tech

OCT 2020 | Kaunas, Lithuania

  • Taught a one-day workshop on web accessibility.

Web Development Teacher β€” UNILAG CyberCamp

JULY – AUG 2019 | Lagos, Nigeria

  • Taught the basics of web development to children between the ages of 10 to 17 years. Built the CyberCamp website from scratch using HTML and CSS.

Workshop Trainer β€” Raoatech

JUN 2019 | Lagos, Nigeria

  • Taught a one-day workshop on the basics of web design and development to students at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital.

Web Development Teacher β€” GirlCode Academy

FEB - MAR 2019 | Lagos, Nigeria

  • Taught selected female candidates the basics of front end development.

Volunteer Trainer β€” Pearls Africa

DEC 2017 - JAN 2018 | Lagos, Nigeria

  • Taught girls from underprivileged backgrounds the fundamentals of programming.



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • TypeScript
  • PHP (WordPress)


  • React
  • React-Redux
  • Emotion
  • Styled-components


  • Tailwind
  • Svelte
  • NuxtJS

Tools & Systems

  • Git
  • NPM
  • VSCode
  • Trello
  • Redmine
  • Atomic Design